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7 Signs Your Boyfriend/Man Will Love You Forever

Man Will Love You

It’s been said over and over again, LOVE is a universal language, understand by all. Actually, there is nothing better than being in love. That is why parents and friends always know where you’re in love, because you’ll have that bounce in your stride, and simply thinking about him sends you to Cloud 9.
Everything becomes more beautiful, life becomes more charming and you easily smile and laugh a lot.
Finding Mr. Right can be a little bit challenging, but if you are fortunate enough to pin him down, I have highlighted 9 powerful signs that he is yours till ages.
  1. Helping Out
Who does not love and appreciate those who help them out regularly? You can bet your last dollar, that if your Prince Charming is all ears when you have a problem, he is in it for the long run. You know your man loves you and is yours forever, when he stays awake at night hours, wondering how to solve your problems, not only to make you happy and contented, but which shows he is truly in love.
  2. Talks about the Future with You
You know your relationship is going to be for a long time, when your Man always talk about the future with you in it. You will know that the man you are in a relationship with, is only interested in what you have to offer for that moment.
You will certainly know that your man wants you in his future, whenever he talks about his future plans. Men who think they have found the one will talk about things down the road, which includes things like the next Christmas or where to go for summer vacation. This is a definite sign you are the yin to his yang (Chinese).
   3. He Smiles
In a relationship that is founded on true love, it is no longer news that your man thinks you are a beauty, but do you noticed whenever he sees you, or whenever you walk into a room, does his face light up when you enter the room?
Study has shown that Men, who are totally gaga for you, simply radiate when they see you, and they can’t hide it. Even when you look like you stuck your finger into a light socket, in their eyes, nobody compares with you.

  4. Pampered Princess
You know you are the apple of his eye when he pampered you like a Princess, even when you don’t feel like one. Do you notice that your guy makes you feel like royalty even when you are not so charming? If so, then it’s a pretty good sign he wants to be with you forever.
Most men will be nice, but it doesn’t mean he is thinking long term. It’s when he has no problem showing you and the rest of the world (even his friends) that you are his queen.
     5.The Spoken Language
You will know that a guy is a keeper, based solely on the kind of words he used. Whenever you’re with a guy and he uses “we” instead of “me”, it’s a surefire sign he is head over heels in love and includes you in his future plan. Men who only refer to themselves aren’t really worried if it turns sour any do have you in their future plans.
Note that a man, who is committed in relationship, will want people to know he is off the market and has no problem saying it.
  1. Oh Those Four Little Words
When you man tells you, that he thinks you are the one. However, this statement shouldn’t be confused with talk about the future, but when used in combination, it’s highly likely that somewhere down the road, you will be seeing some engagement ring on your finger from him. (Think diamonds).
  1. First Thing First
TO really know that your man is going to be a keeper, one of the signs is that he always wants to talk to you, seek your opinion, etc. He holds your opinion in high regard, and you are the first person he wants to tell everything to. Good or bad, you are his rock, even though he doesn’t know.
  1. Confirmation from Family and Friends
One of the major signs which gives you signals that your man will be yours forever, is confirmation from his family and friends. You shouldn’t underestimate the power of his relationships with friends and family.
When his family hints about how he feels about you. For example, when your man walks out of the room and his mom tells you that she has overheard him, discussing with his dad that he thinks you are the perfect woman for him..

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